About The Asian Street

Why street food?

I think I travel mostly to eat.

Yes, I enjoy hiking, visiting temples and wats, looking at old art in museums, and the rest. But if I'm 100% honest... it's all about the food.

Fancy-pants restaurants with white linen tablecloths are all well and good, but for me? The best eating in the world takes place at a cheap metal table, sitting on a tiny plastic stool that barely supports a Westerner's body weight. There's discarded napkins and miscellaneous crap all over the floor. There's motorbikes screeching by five feet away from you, and you can't understand a word anyone says. Don't worry – just get stuck in.

This is the way half of Asia eats. Democracy in action: if the food is fresh and good, the stall will be popular. If the food is poor, the stall will close. It's cheap, it's accessible to everyone, and by gum, that food is tasty!

Happy travels, and happy eating – wherever life takes you.

About me

I love to travel, I love to cook, and I love to eat. I've lived on three continents and I'm currently (since April 2016) calling Singapore home.

I'm not a professional photographer, as you can undoubtedly tell from this blog; I don't have the skill to make beautiful food-porn shots, and it doesn't help that my flat is about as dark as an oubliette at midnight. But I can cook, and I'm happy to share my tips and recipes with anyone, so I hope you'll forgive the mediocre pictures that accompany most dishes.

What else can I tell you about myself?

I'm English by birth, and Canadian by choice. I'm a bit shy, a bit sarcastic, and a bit made-up-of-fractions. Sometimes I'm quiet, sometimes I'm not. I wear a lot of red. Sometimes I even manage not to clash.

I'm an unsuccessful writer, a semi-professional belly dancer, and a wannabe world champion at Mah-jongg. I can also transmute base metals into gold, but I don't like to show off.

I like scouring Asian markets for new ingredients, cried when Ray Bradbury died, and get paid to hang around in an office doing graphicky and wordy stuff on a computer. Math was my best subject at school, but we haven't kept in touch.

I'm mediocre at pastry, bad at singing, and completely crap at cryptic crosswords. I also swear a lot.

I don't believe in fairies, ley lines, scientologists or horoscopes. I'm not too sure about Sheffield, either.

I do believe in the scientific method, sunscreen, and that if I say "I wish the goblins would come and take you away, right now" three times, David Bowie will come and teach me how to apply eye liner properly.

I like old Bowie records, Michael Frayn plays, bad puns, Singapore laksa, Franz Snyders, twitter, Neil Gaiman, my hiking boots, salted caramel, exploring this big, beautiful world, and comedy news programmes on BBC Radio 4.

I dislike brussels sprouts, spray-tan, regicide, and people who use the word "amazeballs", although I will forgive some of these.

The brussels sprouts, however, are unforgivable.
